Nietzsche - Alem do bem e do mal.pdf
Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche - A origem da tragédia.pdf
O ANTICRISTO - Nietzsche.pdf
Nietzsche - Humano Demasiado Humano.pdf
Introdução à Filosofia de Nietzsche (COMPLETO).pdf
nietzsche, friedrich - ecce homo.pdf
Comece por Ecce Homo, depois leia humano demasiado humano, e siga para poder entender toda força deste grande filosofo.
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- Online Articles and Reviews on Nietzsche
- Friedrich Nietzsche (Wikisource)
- Weimarer Nietzsche-Bibliographie (Erdmann von Wilamowitz-Moellendorff)
- Nietzsche-Jubiläumsseite (Walter de Gruyter & Co., Berlin/New York)
- Friedrich Nietzsche - Spuren (virtuSens)
- Freunde von Röcken
- Nietzsche Hauptseite (Helmut Walther, Nürnberg)
- Friedrich Nietzsche homepage (Bernd Heinisch, Berlin)
- Jow's Existentialists: Nietzsche (Jens Suckow, University of Cologne)
- Nietzsche (Peter Möller, Berlin)
- Nietzsche in: Biographisch-Bibliographisches Kirchenlexikon (Verlag Traugott Bautz, Herzberg); Neue Deutsche Biographie (Friedrich Nemec, Munich, 1999);
- Nietzsche News Center (HyperNietzsche Project)
- The Nietzsche Page at USC (Douglas Thomas)
- Online Articles and Reviews on Nietzsche
- Friedrich Nietzsche (Tom Stone)
- Existentialism and Friedrich Nietzsche (Katharena Eiermann)
- Friedrich Nietzsche (Eiichi Shimomissé, CSU Dominguez Hills)
- The Friedrich Nietzsche Page (Michael Atamas)
- Nietzsche Aphorism Page (Joshua Lannin)
- Nietzsche Center (Matthew D. MacPherson, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY)
- Nietzsche Chronicle (Malcolm Brown, Dartmouth College)
- Nietzsche Links (Andrea Halse)
- Nietzsche: The Problem of Autumn (David Farrell Krell and Donald L. Bates, University of Chicago Press)
- Nietzsche's Features (Holtof Donné)
- Nietzsche's Labyrinth (Paul Douglas)
- Philosophy Pages: Friedrich Nietzsche (Garth Kemerling)
- Björn's Guide to Philosophy - Nietzsche (Björn Christensson, Linköping University)
- Nietzsche in: Encarta; Encylopædia Britannica; Fifty Key Contemporary Thinkers (John Lechte, Routledge, 1994); Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Robert Wicks); Wikipedia
- Nietzsche's grave in Röcken (
- Nietzsche en castellano (Horacio Potel, Argentina)
- Nietzsche en fran�ais (Marc Galli)
- Portail Friedrich Nietzsche (
- (Thomas Calmasini)
Online Texts
German- Nietzsche Source (Paolo D'Iorio)
- 'Aus meinem Leben' (Wikisource)
- '�ber Musik' (Wikisource)
- 'Napoleon III als Pr�sident' (Wikisource)
- 'Fatum und Geschichte' (Wikisource)
- 'Willensfreiheit und Fatum' (Wikisource)
- 'Kann der Neidische je wahrhaft gl�cklich sein?' (Wikisource)
- '�ber Stimmungen' (Wikisource)
- 'Mein Leben' (Wikisource)
- 'Homer und die klassische Philologie' (Wikisource)
- '�ber Musik und Wort' (Wikisource)
- 'Sokrates und die griechische Trag�die' (Wikisource)
- 'Die dionysische Weltanschauung' (Wikisource)
- 'F�nf Vorreden zu f�nf ungeschriebenen B�chern' (Wikisource):
- Die Geburt der Tragödie aus dem Geiste der Musik (Projekt Gutenberg)
- Die Geburt der Tragödie aus dem Geiste der Musik (Douglas Thomas, USC)
- Die Geburt der Tragödie aus dem Geiste der Musik (Wikisource)
- 'Die Philosophie im tragischen Zeitalter der Griechen' (Wikisource)
- 'Über Wahrheit und Lüge im außermoralischen Sinne' (Projekt Gutenberg)
- 'Über Wahrheit und Lüge im außermoralischen Sinne' (Douglas Thomas, USC)
- Unzeitgemäße Betrachtungen (Projekt Gutenberg):
- David Strauss der Bekenner und der Schriftsteller (Douglas Thomas, USC)
- David Strauss, der Bekenner und der Schriftsteller (Wikisource)
- Vom Nutzen und Nachtheil der Historie für das Leben, 'Vorwort' (Ahimsa Kultur Forum, Berlin)
- Vom Nutzen und Nachtheil der Historie f�r das Leben (Wikisource)
- Schopenhauer als Erzieher (Wikisource)
- Richard Wagner in Bayreuth (Wikisource)
- Menschliches Allzumenschliches (Projekt Gutenberg)
- Menschliches, Allzumenschliches (Douglas Thomas, USC)
- Menschliches, Allzumenschliches (Wikisource)
- Vermischte Meinungen und Sprüche (Douglas Thomas, USC)
- Der Wanderer und sein Schatten (Projekt Gutenberg)
- Der Wanderer und sein Schatten (Ahimsa Kultur Forum, Berlin)
- Morgenröthe (Projekt Gutenberg)
- Morgenröthe (Douglas Thomas, USC)
- Morgenr�the (Wikisource)
- Die fröhliche Wissenschaft (Projekt Gutenberg)
- Die fröhliche Wissenschaft (Douglas Thomas, USC)
- Die fröhliche Wissenschaft (Wikisource)
- Also sprach Zarathustra (Projekt Gutenberg)
- Also sprach Zarathustra (Douglas Thomas, USC)
- Thus Spake Zarathustra/Also sprach Zarathustra: parallel English/German text (Mike Hamilton)
- Also sprach Zarathustra (Wikisource)
- Jenseits von Gut und Böse (Projekt Gutenberg)
- Jenseits von Gut und Böse (Douglas Thomas, USC)
- Jenseits von Gut und Böse (Wikisource)
- Zur Genealogie der Moral (Projekt Gutenberg)
- Zur Genealogie der Moral (Wikisource)
- Der Fall Wagner (Projekt Gutenberg)
- Der Fall Wagner (Douglas Thomas, USC)
- Der Fall Wagner (Wikisource)
- Götzen-Dämmerung (Projekt Gutenberg)
- Götzen-Dämmerung (Douglas Thomas, USC)
- Götzen-Dämmerung (Wikisource)
- Der Antichrist (Projekt Gutenberg)
- Der Antichrist, 'Vorwort' (Ahimsa Kultur Forum, Berlin)
- Der Antichrist (Wikisource)
- Ecce Homo (Projekt Gutenberg)
- Ecce Homo (Douglas Thomas, USC)
- Ecce Homo, 'Vorwort' (Ahimsa Kultur Forum, Berlin)
- Ecce homo (Wikisource)
- Nietzsche contra Wagner (Projekt Gutenberg)
- Nietzsche contra Wagner (Douglas Thomas, USC)
- Nietzsche contra Wagner (Wikisource)
- Dionysos-Dithyramben (Projekt Gutenberg)
- 'Erkenntnis' (Mauthner-Gesellschaft)
- Gedichte (Projekt Gutenberg)
- Verzeichnis des Briefwechsels, 1847-1900 (Stiftung Weimarer Klassik)
- Fragmente 1869-74 (Projekt Gutenberg)
- Fragmente 1875-79 (Projekt Gutenberg)
- Fragmente 1880-82 (Projekt Gutenberg)
- Fragmente 1882-85 (Projekt Gutenberg)
- Fragmente 1885ff. (Projekt Gutenberg)
- Nachlass Notes (Wikisource)
- The Birth of Tragedy: Preface; 1-5; 6-15 (Edward W. Maupin)
- 'On Truth and Lies in a Nonmoral Sense' (Douglas Thomas, USC)
- 'On the Use and Abuse of History for Life' (trans. Ian C. Johnston, Malaspina University-College, BC)
- Human, All-Too-Human (Helen Zimmern translation; HTML version Paul Douglas)
- The Dawn (J. M. Kennedy translation; HTML version Paul Douglas)
- The Gay Science (excerpts - Jack Miller, Central Washington University)
- Thus Spake Zarathustra/Also sprach Zarathustra: parallel English/German text (Mike Hamilton)
- Thus Spake Zarathustra (complete Thomas Common translation)
- Study Guide to Thus Spoke Zarathustra (Book One) by Paul Brians (Washington State University)
- Beyond Good and Evil (excerpts - Jack Miller, Central Washington University)
- 'On Nietzsche's Beyond Good and Evil' (Ian C. Johnston, Malaspina University-College, BC)
- Twilight of the Idols ('Text prepared from the original German and translations by Walter Kaufmann and R.J. Hollingdale',
- Twilight of the Idols (majority - Jack Miller, Central Washington University)
- The Anti-Christ (Douglas Thomas, USC)
- The Antichrist (complete H.L. Mencken translation; HTML version Paul Douglas)
- 'Nietzsche's The AntiChrist' (Travis J. Denneson, William Mitchell College of Law, Saint Paul, MN)
- Ecce Homo (excerpts - Jack Miller, Central Washington University)
- The Will to Power: Book 1; Book 3 (Edward W. Maupin)
- The Perspectives of Nietzsche (Bill Curry, University of Pittsburgh)
- Pirate Nietzsche Page (Jack Miller, Central Washington University)
Bulletin Boards/Discussion Groups
- Club Nietzsche (bulletin board - Erin Moriarty)
- Discussion lists at
- Friedrich Nietzsche discussion list (Malcolm Brown, Dartmouth College)
- Hegel, Kierkegaard & Nietzsche
- Nietzsche
- Nietzsche Dialognet (Kent Palmer)
- Nietzsche Campfire Chat (bulletin board)
- Nietzsche-Forum (German-language bulletin board)
- The Spoon Collective (Nietzsche discussion list and archive)
- Yahoo! Clubs:
- Zarathustra (
- Cadernos Nietzsche (Grupo de Estudos Nietzsche, São Paulo: Editor Scarlett Marton)
- International Studies in Philosophy (Scholars Press)
- Journal of Nietzsche Studies (Friedrich Nietzsche Society: Editor Brian Domino, Miami University-Middletown)
- New Nietzsche Studies (The Nietzsche Society: Editors David Allison, SUNY at Stony Brook, and Babette Babich, Fordham University, NYC)
- Nietzscheforschung (Nietzsche-Gesellschaft, Halle/Saale: Editors Volker Gerhardt and Renate Reschke, HU Berlin)
- Nietzsche-Studien (Walter de Gruyter & Co., Berlin/New York)
- PLI: The Warwick Journal of Philosophy
- Associazione Internazionale di Studi e Ricerche Federico Nietzsche (Giuseppe Fallica, Palermo)
- Centro Interdipartimentale 'Colli-Montinari' di Studi su Nietzsche e la Cultura Europea (University of Lecce, Italy)
- Grupo de Estudos Nietzsche (Luciano Gualberto, São Paulo, Brazil)
- Internationale Nietzsche-Gemeinschaft (Lüneburg)
- Nietzsche Circle (New York)
- Nietzsche-Forum München (Camillo Schrimpf)
- Nietzsche-Gesellschaft (Halle/Saale)
- Nietzsche Online project (Saarbr�cken)
- Nietzsche Research Group (University of Nijmegen)
- The Nietzsche Society (Babette Babich, Fordham University, NY)
- North American Nietzsche Society (Richard Schacht, UIUC)
- Seattle Nietzsche Reading Group (Donovan R. Bigelow)
- Sociedad Espa�ola de Estudios sobre Friedrich Nietzsche (University of Malaga)
- Nietzsche in Weimar:
- Cambridge University Press
- Walter de Gruyter & Co. (Berlin/New York)
- Hackett Publishing
- Oxford World's Classics (OUP)
- Penguin Classics
- Stanford University Press
- University of Illinois Press (Champaign, IL)
- Ecco Design Nietzsche items
- Nietzsche Stuff (Doug Pike, Arizona)
- Nietzsche T-Shirts (Mootrealm T-Shirts)
- Nietzsche T-Shirts (Now and Zen Productions)
- Also sprach Zarathustra paintings (Lena Hades)
Related Philosophers/Associations
- American Society for Aesthetics (Marquette University, Milwaukee, WI)
- British Philosophical Association
- British Society of Aesthetics (University of Leeds)
- British Society for Phenomenology
- Deleuze and Guattari Internet Resources
- Ereignis: Heidegger Links
- Forum for European Philosophy (LSE, London)
- The Foucault Pages at CSUN
- Hegel Society of Great Britain (Kathryn Wilkinson, University of Sheffield)
- International Association for Philosophy and Literature
- Kant on the Web (Stephen Palmquist, Hong Kong Baptist University)
- Lyotard Auto-Differend Page
- Schopenhauer-Gesellschaft (Frankfurt/Main)
- Society for Phenomenology and Existential Philosophy
- Writing in Reserve: Deconstruction on the Net (Derrida)
Other Philosophy Resources
- HIPPIAS - limited area search of philosophy on the Internet
- Animus: A Philosophical Journal for Our Time (Memorial University of Newfoundland, St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada)
- APA: American Philosophical Association (University of Delaware)
- Björn's Guide to Philosophy (Björn Christensson, Linköping University)
- Philosophy
- Deutscher Philosophie-Knoten (University of Hamburg)
- English Server: Philosophy (Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh)
- Episteme Links (Tom Stone)
- Erratic Impact Philosophy Research Base (Danne Polk)
- Eruditio - portail de philosophie (Benoît Hardy-Vallée, Université du Québec à Montréal)
- European Journal of Philosophy (University of Essex)
- Google: Philosophy
- Guide to Philosophy on the Internet (Peter Suber, Earlham College - large file)
- The Hopkins Philosophy Pages (Dennis Des Chene, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore)
- Information Philosophie im Internet
- The Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy (James Fieser, University of Tennessee at Martin)
- The Lighter Report, 1998-2000: A Ranking of Philosophy Schools Throughout History (J. David Velleman, University of Michigan)
- The Metaphysics Research Lab (Edward N. Zalta, Stanford University)
- The Notebook for Contemporary Continental Philosophy (Scott H. Moore, Baylor University)
- One Window to Philosophy (Sandro F. Reis, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro)
- The Philosopher
- The Philosophers' Web Magazine (Jeremy Stangroom)
- Philosophical Services (Kenneth F.T. Cust)
- Philosophie Online (Vienna)
- Philosophie-Seiten (Dieter Köhler, University of Heidelberg)
- Philosophy around the Web (Peter King, Oxford)
- Philosophy at Large (Liverpool University Philosophy Department)
- Philosophy-Related Resources on the Internet (Clark/Morville list)
- Philosophy in Cyberspace (Dey Alexander, Monash University)
- Philosophy News Service (Richard Jones)
- Philosophy Now (Rick Lewis)
- Philosophy on the Web (Arno Wouters, Utrecht University)
- Philosophy Pages (Garth Kemerling)
- Philosophy Sites on the Internet (Yossi Mamroud, Tel Aviv University)
- Public Sphere Philosophical Resource Centre (Paul Ashton, Sydney)
- Radical Philosophy
- Sean's One-Stop Philosophy Shop (Sean Cearley)
- Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Edward N. Zalta, Stanford University)
- SWIF: Sito Web Italiano per la Filosofia (Luciano Floridi, University of Bari)
- Symposia: An Electronic Journal of Philosophy (Trinity College, Hartford, CT)
- Tekhnema: Journal of Philosophy and Technology (Richard Beardsworth, AU Paris)
- WWW Virtual Library: Philosophy (Daniel Brickley, Bristol University)
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